Monthly Archives: August 2016

Symbols, Context & Complexity

how to give your words depth, understanding metaphor and symbolism, literary writing, When you have a B.A. in English Literature and teach literary analysis you read literature differently than the average for-fun reader. You read analytically. So, if the author wrote “blood-red velvet drapes concealed the dirt-encrusted window,” and I’m reading literature—as opposed to a light beach romance—I’m going to focus on the words blood, velvet, concealed, and dirt-encrusted because I figure the author is giving us thematic, foreshadowing, contextual, plot, and character clues beyond the superficial.

For more on this subject, I suggest reading How to Read Like a Literature Professor by Thomas C. Foster

Does this mean you have to write that way? NO, of course not! ( Although, as a literature geek, I love playing with  layers of meaning.)

Whatever you do, do not get hung up the “this means that” school of thought. The magic of writing is the way the writer creates an image or idea with words.

Attached is a 35-page booklet of symbols and contexts to help you discover all the way you can  paint depth and complexity  with words!

Little Book of Symbols by Azlyn Richards

Research Tips

Azlyn Richards research tips,, researching novelsHow are YOUR research skills? Rusty? Disorganized?

Writers can spend a LOT of time  researching information for their novels. Be it mystery, action-adventure, sci-fi, historical, urban fantasy, crime, or horror—writers are forever looking up facts to mix with the fiction.

Lucky me, writing a million ( a small exaggeration ) college essays and a masters thesis taught  helped me discover the best  ways  to catalogue and manage the plethora of research. I teach these same tips  ( learned the hard way ) to my students.

Here’s a few down and dirty research tips. Be forewarned: The more thorough the prep in the beginning, the easier your novel writing—the insert fact portion here part—is at the end.

1.Make a timeline for historical events. A 2-column chart works nicely, one column for the historical events and one for the corresponding scenes in your novel. For one historical novel I have 2 POV’s and so I made a 3-column timeline. One for each POV character and one for general historical events. Warning: This may take days to create. I used 3 different reference books and it was invaluable for creating a timeline from a mixed bag of random dates. Remember to include year, location, month, date, and hour if possible.

2. Keep a binder of articles you’ve printed from the internet. I’ve printed a doctoral thesis, PDFs of 200-yr-old diary entries, ancient maps, magazine articles, and scholarly journal articles. Highlight and annotate the information you think you will use in your novel.

3. Save websites or photos on Pinterest. It’s a great organizational tool. I make a Pinterest board for every novel. You can even have a secret board. Storing all the websites on Pinterest allows for easy accessability  and prevents you from scrolling down that never-ending Favorite list.

4. Embed a website’s URL into your drafts. Doing this allows quick access during revisions. Delete the URLs ( but save them on a word doc in chronological order of your ms) before sending to a beta reader or agent.

5. Use in-text citations in your drafts. For example, I’m currently using 6 different books for background information, so my in-text citation will look something like this: blah blah plot, blah, fact, blah ( Chinese Myth 49). The fact is from a book on Chinese mythology on page 49.
If you purchased a book for research highlight and annotate the facts you think you might need. If you can’t bear to mar a book then use little sticky notes.

6. Create charts for easy fact access. eg, I currently have a large chart with various aspects of Chinese culture ( food, vessels, gods, holidays, professions, garb, weapons, punishments, etc) Mmmm, can you you guess what my WIP is about? Warning: Making this chart took a looooong time but saved countless hours of ‘where was that info about weaponry?’

7. Use the primary source. For example, after reading 3 books that all quoted the same book, I hunted down and purchased the no-longer-in-print book. This primary source was a goldmine, the footnotes alone providing me with more information than all the other research books put together.

8. Send URLs to your email. Often I find the perfect site while web surfing, but––yikes—am no where near my home computer.

9. Wiki wisdom. Wiki is a great place to start––a spring board for diving down to the bottom of the page where the Reference section provides sources sure to provide more in-depth information.

Do you have any research tips ?

Double Whammy!

Pulling double duty requires a cappuccino with a double shot of espresso

Pulling double duty requires a cappuccino with a double shot of espresso

Pulling double duty! Whoot !Whoot!

This is the 1st post on my new website but NOT my first blog. I’ve been blogging for 3  years under a different name and website.

So why start a new website and get a new nom de plume? Well, when your new agent tells you it would be a good idea  to separate the 2 genres,  you do it!!

Double the Fun! I’ll also be managing 2 Twitter and Instagram accounts. Haven’t made a Facebook or Pinterest page yet for the new-genre me. Yet.

Double Down! A lot of work? Yes.  Can I do it? Sure, with a bit of savvy time management. But that’s not what’s causing me angst. What is?

Double Trouble! I’ll be both teacher and student for the next 2 years! Ack!

As a high school language arts teacher,  I’m used to assigning books, lecturing, grading papers, and getting sucked up to. But  as soon as my MFA classes begin the table will be turned, and I’ll be the one having to read books, write papers, and suck up to professors.

I begin my MFA ( Masters of Fine Arts) in creative writing this year. Yup, that means I’ll be teaching full-time, revising an MS, and doing homework for the MFA program. ( Oh, and there will also be multiple phone calls and dress shopping for my daughter’s wedding. ) Don’t know how I’m going to pull all this off, but hey, a writer’s gotta do what a writer’s gotta do. And I gotta do. ♥

Lots of folks and family ask me why I want to get my MFA. You don’t need one, they insist. You can already write. True. But I want to write better! And how amazing will it be to have  a cadre of writing professionals offer advice and criticism! Not to mention,  having a writing community to share all the successes, failures, woes, joys, and WTF’s with.  I’m looking forward to learning and writing with the best.

I was lucky to have found a low residency* MFA program with a marvelous staff that fits my teaching schedule. Can’t wait to begin. Can’t wait to figure out just how organized I’ll need to be to do it all without losing my mind.

I’m thinking’ somebody—not me—needs to do the grocery shopping, cooking, and laundry. I’ll let you know how that goes!

**For the Hey, I’d Like To Get My MFA questioners, here’s a quick how-to.

Low-residency means you, the student, take on-line classes throughout the year and also meet with writers, big-time famous authors, industry professionals, and classmates for week-long stretches a few times a year. Great for us folks who have to work to pay the mortgage.

My MFA program required a statement of purpose, letter of intent, 3 letters of recommendation, a writing sample, and transcripts.

While I was pulling all that together, I applied for a FAFSA loan, because, really, who can pay for college these days?

So, here’s to not seeing double for the next few years! Cheers!